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Merry Christmas!!!

8:34 am


poor Santa…..

But Christmas isn’t all about presents you know. Christmas is the day people celebrate Jesus’s birth, right? Its not just about gifts, like what some people celebrate it for. Its a time to be with family and friends and to just enjoy life.

And I hope none of you are ultra-greedy 😀 Like, for example, here’s a person who wants wayy to much (I just put in random stuffs):

  1. ipod touch
  2. Call of Duty 5
  3. laptop
  4. Uggs
  5. 42″ flatscreen tv
  6. Xbox360
  7. PSP

Chances are, this person probably wont even get half of the stuff on this list, which is why you shouldnt ask for a lot of stuffs 😀

               Merry Christmas!

2 Comments leave one →
  1. blackcherise permalink
    11:30 am 11:30 am

    exactly! not many ppl understand that 😦 but its still fun to disscuss wat u got and stuff! i got a red and black nintendo ds lite! plus the wall.e game to play on there with! oh yh and the wall.e dvd and tons more stuff! 😀

  2. 11:55 am 11:55 am

    😆 true….i got an ipod nano, $45, a CD, and other stuffs 😀

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